
游客2024-11-06  13

问题     在中国人的心目中,桃总是与仙、寿、神联系在一起,故有“仙桃”、“寿桃”、“王母桃”等雅号。时至今日,人们还是将桃作为吉祥之物。在中国农村,逢年过节在门上贴桃符。有的地方大年初一要喝桃汤,因为桃是五行之精,可以“压服邪气”、“制百鬼”。不但桃有仙缘,连桃木都有神灵,而且她在民间的威望比桃还大。早在先秦时代的古籍中,就有桃木能避邪的记载,一切妖魔鬼怪见了都逃之夭夭。


答案     Chinese people often associate peach with immortals, longevity and gods. Hence, peach derived such elegant names as "Peach of Immortality", "Longevity Peach " "the Lady Mother’s Peach of Immortality" , etc. Up to now, people still view peaches as mascots. In Chinese villages, on festivals, peach wood charms are pasted on doors to ward off evil spirits. In some regions, on the first day of Chinese New Year, people drink peach soup, regarded as the essence of the five elements, which can exorcise spirits and suppress evil influences. Not merely peach is closely related to immortals, peach wood has great power against evil as well, who enjoys a higher prestige than peach. As early as the pre-Qin period, some ancient books recorded peach wood could avoid evil spirits, and scare all sorts of evil-doers.

解析 背景介绍
    在中国传统文化中,  “桃”有着生育、吉祥、长寿的民俗象征意义。桃果融入了中国的仙话中,隐含着长寿、健康、生育的寓意。桃树的花叶、枝木、子果都烛照着民俗文化的光芒,其中表现的生命意识,致密地渗透在中国桃文化的纹理中。文章中出现了很多中国特色词汇,翻译时注意译出其所代表的意象。
-  在中国人的心目中,桃总是与仙、寿、神联系在一起:仙、寿、神是中国特有的词汇,在英文中没有完全对应的词汇。翻译时只要将这三者代表的意象译出即可。译文“Chinese people often associate peach with immortals,longevity and gods.”
-  在中国农村,逢年过节在门上贴桃符:译文“In Chinese villages,on festivals,peach wood charms are pasted on doors to ward off evil spirits.”我们都知道桃符有驱邪之意,但原文也没有点明,但外国人并不了解。因此翻译时应说明补充,使译文信息更加明确。
-  因为桃是五行之精,可以“压服邪气”、  “制百鬼”:  “压服邪气”、“制百鬼”其实是一个意思,翻译的时候不必重复,否则就会显得烦琐。译为:…(peach)which can exorcise spirits and suppress evil influences.
-  不但桃有仙缘,连桃木都有神灵:“连桃木都有神灵”在翻译时应稍做引申,译为:peach wood has great power against evil as well,使译文更明了。
-  早在先秦时代的古籍中,就有桃木能避邪的记载,一切妖魔鬼怪见了都逃之夭夭:这句有两个主语,在翻译时可稍做改动,将从句主语都定为桃木,使译文更简洁。译文:As early as the pre-Qin period,some ancient books recorded peach wood could avoid evil spirits,and scare all sorts of evil-doers.