
游客2024-11-05  14

问题     太阳与大家有关,人们跟着太阳起床,随着太阳的沉没而沉睡,等待明天的太阳。大家喜欢太阳,等着看日出,《日出的印象》是举世绘画名作,“夕阳无限好”是千古名句。太阳赋予大自然色彩,太阳在人间创造了阴影。没有了阴影,也就看不清光明,有了阴影才认识世界原来是立体的。总是生活在阴影里不健康,生活中没有阴影也不健康,太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡。


答案 The sun is related to everyone, for example, we get up as the sun rises, fall asleep as it sets, and wait for tomorrow’s sun. We all enjoy the sun and look forward to the sunrise, Monet’s Impression Sunrise is a world-famous masterpiece, and the line in an ancient Chinese poem to describe the boundless beauty of a sunset is remembered and recited for thousands of years. Various colors in nature stem from the sun, and the sun also creates shadows on earth. You cannot tell light unless you have seen shadows, which helps us recognize that the world is three-dimensional. It is not healthy to always live in shadows, but a life without shadows is not sound enough. It is the sun that controls the health, the life and the death of human beings.

解析 1.第一句中,“与……有关”可译为is related to…,“跟着太阳起床”可理解为“在太阳升起时起床”,译为get up as the sun rises,“随着太阳的沉没而沉睡”可译为fall asleep as it sets。
2.第二句可分译成两句,先译人们对太阳的喜爱,再译关于太阳的名画和古诗词。“等着”可译为look forward to,《日出的印象》是法国画家莫奈的名作,可译为Monet’s Impression Sunrise,“夕阳无限好”可翻译为the boundless beauty of a sunset,“千古名句”可理解为“传颂千古”,译为is remembered and recited for thousands of years。
3.第三句中,“阴影”翻译为shadows,“人间”翻译为on earth。
5.第五句可分译为两句,先译“总是生活在阴影里不健康,生活中没有阴影也不健康”,再译“太阳控制着人们的健康,生死存亡”,“健康的”可译为healthy或sound,翻译最后一句时,可使用强调句式,不仅加强了语气,而且增加句式的多样性,译作It is the sun that…。