
游客2024-02-04  24

问题     在所有中国艺术品中,最为知名的当数瓷器。瓷器不仅受到了中国人的喜爱与垂青,而且还受到了海外人士的青睐与认可。中国之所以能够成为首先“发明”瓷器的国家,主要原因有两个:一是中国制陶工人发现了粘土,二是他们掌握了生成高温并熔化粘土的方法。


答案     The most famous of all Chinese art is porcelain. It is not only loved and appreciated by the Chinese, but it also receives great admiration and recognition abroad. The reasons why China was the first country to "invent" porcelain were that the Chinese potters both found the clay and mastered the method to produce the high temperature necessary to fuse it.
    The Tang Dynasty(618-907) is notable in the history of Chinese porcelain for the dynamic beauty of its shapes, for the development of colored glazes, and for the perfecting of porcelain. The most distinctive porcelain of the Tang Dynasty, Tang Tri-colored (brown, yellow and green) Glazed Pottery, with its plump full shapes and ornate florid colors, gives a vivid concrete impression of the flourishing power and prosperity of the Tang Dynasty at its height. The political stability, population growth and expansion of the rich families which marked the Tang Dynasty led to continual improvements in the art of porcelain.
