中国经济高速发展,需要大量的矿产品及相关的能源与原材料加工制品。每年消耗的矿石量达60多亿吨,位居世界前列。 中国政府为实现经济的可持续发展,在

游客2023-12-25  37

问题     中国经济高速发展,需要大量的矿产品及相关的能源与原材料加工制品。每年消耗的矿石量达60多亿吨,位居世界前列。


答案     With rapid economic development, China needs a large number of mineral products and relevant energy and raw material products. The annual consumption of ores has exceeded 6 billion tons, making China one of the major consumers in the world.
    To achieve sustainable economic development, the Chinese government has formulated a series of laws, regulations and policies regarding the exploration and development of mineral resources, forming a set of policies and regulations suited to China’s national conditions and the international practice. The Chinese government has taken the initiative to comply with its commitments to the World Trade Organization by adjusting its laws and’ regulations and administrative functions. A diversified, stable mineral resource trading system has been established, ensuring the stability of export markets and import sources for mineral products.
    The scientific surveying of the country’s mineral resources made us better informed of their distribution: China’s coal and oil resources are abundant in reserves, but unbalanced in composition. China’s coal resources are huge in reserves and complete in variety, with small reserves of high-quality coking coal and anthracite coal; they are widely distributed with a great disparity in abundance for different reserve locations, with the western and northern regions rich and eastern and southern regions poor in coal reserves. Oil resources are huge, which makes China one of the world’s 10 countries with more than 15 billion tons of exploitable petroleum reserves. The proven rate is low, with verified onshore reserves accounting for only 20% of the total, and the proven rate for offshore reserves being even lower. Distribution is concentrated, with 73 percent of the total petroleum resources in China localized in 14 basins covering a total area of 100,000 square kilometers. Petroleum and natural gas resources are deeply buried and their geological conditions are complex.
    China’s mineral resources are widely distributed throughout the country. However, distribution varies from region to region due to the differences in geotectonic zones and minerogenic conditions, and vast differences are seen in mineral types, amounts of reserves and the quality of minerals. Thus, mineral resources distributed in eastern, central and western regions have different characteristics. The concentration of mineral resources in the western region of China highlights a strong comparative advantage, featuring a strong resource foundation for the development of some superior pillar industries. Among the 157 kinds of mineral resources with proven reserves throughout the country, 138 can be found in the western region. The region is not only rich in nonferrous metal resources, but also noted for its high grades of metallic and nonmetallic ores.
    In the spirit of building a resources-conserving society, we will continue to rationally exploit and use mineral resources and promote the development of a circular economy for the benefit of humanity.

解析     本文是一段有关中国矿产开发的讲话。文中详细介绍了中国能源和原材料开发的情况,各种矿产资源和能源的蕴藏量、分布情况、探明度、开采难度等,并提出了建设资源节约型社会和发展循环经济的方针,引导矿产能源的合理开发和利用。
    1.人世承诺            commitments to the World Trade Organization
    2.炼焦用煤和无烟煤    coking coal and anthracite coal
    3.大地构造带          geotectonic zone
    4.有色金属            nonferrous metal
    5.金属和非金属矿石    metallic and nonmetallic ores
    原句中“消耗的矿石量”,本质上是“矿石的消耗量”,可以翻译为“the consumption of ores”;后面的“位居世界前列”,隐含的真正的意思是“中国在众多消耗大国中排名前列”。
4.中国石油资源储量大,是世界可采资源量大于150亿吨的10个国家之一,但是资源的探明程度低,陆上探明石油地质储量仅占全部资源的20%,近海海域的探明程度更低;分布比较集中,大于10万平方千米的14个盆地的石油资源量占全国的 73%;油气资源埋藏深,地质条件复杂。
    1.可持续发展        sustainable development
    2.履行承诺          comply with its commitments
    3.蕴藏量大          abundant in reserves
    4.结构不理想        unbalanced in composition
    5.探明程度低        the proven rate is low
    6.分布比较集中      distribution is concentrated
    7.比较优势突出      strong comparative advantage
    8.优势支柱产业      superior pillar industries
    9.资源节约型社会    a resource-conserving society
    10.循环经济         a circular economy