
游客2024-11-06  11

问题     还历史以真实,还生命以过程——这就是人类的大明智。当然,并非所有的废墟都值得留存,否则地球将会伤痕斑斑。废墟是古代派往现代的使节,经过历史的挑剔和筛选。废墟是祖辈曾经发动过的壮举,会聚着当时的力量和精粹。废墟是一个磁场,一极古代,一极现代,心灵的罗盘在这里感应强烈。失去了磁力就失去了废墟的生命,它很快就会被人们淘汰。


答案 Restoring history with the truth, and life with experience, is the great wisdom of human being. However, not all of ruins are worth preserving, otherwise the earth will be covered with scars and wounds. The ruins are the envoys sent by the ancient to the modern, carefully selected and screened by history. The ruins are the feats launched by our ancestors, accumulating the power and the essence back then. The collection of ruins is like a magnetic field, one pole of which is the ancient times, the other modern times, with the compass of human spirits being strongly induced. As ruins losing magnetic force are lifeless, they will soon be eliminated.

解析 1.本文选自余秋雨先生所写《还生命以过程》,内容极富情感,文字激昂。在翻译时应注意作者原有的写作手法,如多用拟人和暗喻等。在翻译时应当调整原文的句式以符合英文表达习惯。
2.首句的“还历史以真实”在文中实际指“用真实(的证据)来还原历史真相”,或理解成“用真实的事物(文中指废墟)来体现历史”,故译文可表达为Restore history with the truth或Illustrate history with truth。同理,“还生命以过程”可以理解为“通过人生的历程体现生命的价值”,故“过程”可意译为experience或course。
3.第二句中“当然”的实际意义是转斩,所以翻译时要使用表转折关系的连词。“将会伤痕斑斑”可以改成被动语态的动词词组be covered with scars and wounds。
4.第三句使用了一个隐喻。“古代派往现代的使节”可译成the envoys sent by the ancient to the modern,“挑剔和筛选”译成carefully selected and screened。
5.第四句“祖辈曾经发动过的壮举”可使用过去分词短语作后置定语,译成the feats launched by ourancestors。后半句建议用现在分词短语表示废墟的状态,译成accumulating sth.的结构。
6.第五句中的“一极古代,一极现代”也可用定语从句译成one pole of which is the ancient times,theother modern times。“心灵的罗盘”参考译作compass of spirits或者compass of soul。“感应强烈”指的是人们的心灵受到废墟这一磁场的感应,可译成being strongly induced。