
游客2024-11-06  13

问题 时间即是生命。我们的生命是一分一秒的在消耗着,我们平常不大觉得,细想起来实在值得警惕。我们每天有许多的零碎时间干不知不觉中浪费掉了。我们若能养成一种利用闲暇的习惯,一遇空闲,无论其为多么短暂,都利用之做一点有益身心之事,则积少成多终必有成。常听人讲起“消遣”二字,最是要不得,好像是时间大多无法打发的样子,其实人生短促极了,哪里会有多余的时间待人“消遣”?陆放翁有句云:“待饭未来还读书”。我知道有人就经常利用这“待饭未来”的时间读了不少的大书。古人所谓“三上之功”,枕上、马上、厕上,虽不足为训,其用意是在劝人不要浪费光阴。


答案     Time is life. Our lives are passing minute by minute, which does need our vigilance but always fails to draw our attention on ordinary days. Tiny cracks of time in a day are wasted before you even notice it. If we develop a habit of making use of leisure time, the effects can be added up and make a difference. The expression of pastime is often mentioned by some people who seem to have too much time to spend. I am afraid this attitude is the most undesirable. Life is so short that no one can afford to kill any time.

解析 1.画线部分第一句言简意赅,直译即可。
2.画线部分第二句中,“生命”可译为lives,需使用复数形式,“一分一秒的在消耗着”可以理解为“一分一秒地度过”,故译为passing minute by minute,“警惕”可译为vigilance。
3.画线部分第三句中,“零碎时间”可译为Tiny cracks of time,“不知不觉”就是指“在人们意识到以前”,司译为before you even notice it。
4.画线部分第四句中的“养成……习惯”可译为develop a habit of…,“利用”可译为making use of,“积少成多终必有成”可译为the effects can be added up and make a difference。
5.画线部分第五句比较长,可分译成三句,先说“常听人讲起‘消遣’二字,似乎时间多的无法打发”,再说“这种态度最是要不得”,最后说“人生苦短,哪有多余时间来‘消遣’?”具体翻译时,“消遣”可译为pastime,“最是要不得”可译为this attitude is the most undesirable,最后一句的翻译可使用so…that…句型,以呼应原文中“哪里会有……”的语气。