
游客2024-11-06  16

问题     克隆人、千年虫、互联网……我们触目所见的许多东西都在挑战我们的思维和传统。虽然我们应当有勇气来接受和不断地超越人类的局限,可是并非一切发展都无懈可击。无限制的发展和无限制的挥霍一样的可怕,所以西方科学家生活在隐忧中,对未来的科学又喜又惊,反思科学发展成了他们的日常工作之一。我们或许还可以争辩说,中国人还生活在争取富足的道路上,不必杞人忧天。也许对于生活在科学门槛前面的中国人来说,科学仍然神秘而美丽,明艳照人。


答案 Many things that we meet are all challenging our long-held thinking and customs. Although we should have the courage to accept and go beyond the limits of human capability, we should recognize that not all achievements are invulnerable. Unlimited development is as horrible as excessive spending, and that is why so many western scientists live in latent anxiety that they feel exulted yet shocked at the future science and keep reflecting on scientific advancement as one of their routine tasks. Some may argue that we Chinese are still on the way of striving for the abundant life and thus have no need meeting troubles half-way.

解析 1.画线部分第一句和第二句句式较为简单,顺译即可。“无懈可击”可译为invulnerable。
3.画线部分最后一句中的“杞人忧天”可译为meeting troubles half-way,与上文中的“道路”相呼应。