
游客2024-02-04  25

问题     据说早在公元前11世纪,中国人就已经开始使用筷子。筷子是人类发明的最简单可能也是最实用的餐具。与日本人使用的筷子不同,中国的筷子夹菜的一端不是尖的,而是圆的,象征着天。另一端则是方的,象征着地。中国有个古老的风俗,女子出嫁时要拿筷子作陪嫁,因为“筷子”与“快子”谐音,意为“早生贵子”。一些地区仍保留着这个风俗。


答案     It is believed that chopsticks had come into use as early as the 11th century B. C. in ancient China. Chopsticks are the simplest but perhaps the most convenient of all eating tools man has devised for himself. Unlike Japanese chopsticks, Chinese chopsticks are not sharp but blunt and round on the eating end which symbolizes the Heaven, while the other end is square which symbolizes the Earth. It is an age-old custom in the past that chopsticks which are pronounced as "kuai zi" in Chinese should be part of a girl’s dowry, because the two Chinese characters "kuai" and "zi" in the word "kuai zi" are homonymous with the two characters "quick" and "son" respectively, suggesting having a son as quickly as possible in the coming years. People in some areas still observe this tradition.
