Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the unfair trading practices to be ad

游客2023-12-28  12

问题 Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the unfair trading practices to be addressed?

选项 A、Intellectual property theft.
B、Forced technology transfer.
D、Industrial subsidies.

答案 C

解析 此题延续上面两题的思路,也要用排除法。问题:他们要纠正的一系列不公平贸易行为不包括哪一项?原文说:And they agreed to work with like-minded partners…to address unfair trading practices,including intellectual property theft,forced technology transfer, industrial subsidies,distortions created by state-owned enterprises,and overcapacity.可见,知识产权盗窃(A)、强制技术转让(B)和工业补贴(D)都包含在内。原文还包括overcapacity(产能过剩),而选项C与之恰恰相反,是“产能不足”的意思,因此,答案是C。