Civil rights debates have raged in recent years over whether single-sex clas

游客2023-12-05  8

问题     Civil rights debates have raged in recent years over whether single-sex classes in public schools represent a backslide in gender equality, or an opportunity for students to develop their gender talents. What are your opinions? Is single-sex education suitable for students? Write an essay of about 400 words.
    You should supply an appropriate title for your essay.


答案             Priority Should Be Given to Single-sex Education
    With the development of our society and economy, we are now living in a world requiring efficiency-oriented as well as talent-oriented education. When asked whether single-sex education is such an education designed for children, some scholars say no while others argue that single-sex education is what our society needs most. From my understanding, priority should be given to single-sex education for it can avoid the bad influence of puppy love, develop students’ potential in an effective way and help the society fight against boy crisis.
    First of all, single-sex education takes an important role in preventing the negative influence of puppy love. According to a recent survey, 40% of interviewees have experiences in falling in love with someone at an early age and many of them claim that they have never considered the consequences of what they are doing when being in love. And as we all know, puppy love, as a result of mixed-sex education, can easily distort their values and have bad influence on their studies and growth. In this regard, importance and full play should be given to single-sex education.
    Secondly, single-sex education helps schools develop students’ potential in an effective way. As is known to all, students of different genders have different potential and abilities. For example, boys are likely to be interested in science and sports while girls seem to do well in art and literature. In other words, if they are educated in the same way, their specific potential cannot be fully developed. In this way, schools should provide a kind of education in accordance with students’ aptitude in terms of different genders.  Thus, attention should be paid to single-sex education.
    Last but not least, single-sex education can be regarded as a useful measure to fight against boy crisis. There is an undeniable truth that boys are surpassed and overshadowed by girls in school attendances, achievements and behaviour. As a result, many boys tend to drop out of schools, which is a potential threat to social security and prosperity. Many educators view single-sex education as a good solution to the boy crisis. In this manner, the significance of single-sex education should be highlighted.
    To sum up, since single-sex education can reduce the bad influence of puppy love, develop students’ potential in an effective way and help society fight against boy crisis, priority should be given to it.
