设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计30分钟的英语教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但必须包含下列要点:●teaching objectives●teaching contents●key and difficult points●major steps and time allocation●activities and justifications教学时间:30分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:
Teaching Objectives:
Knowledge Objectives:
①Be able to master the pronunciation,meaning and?spelling of the names of diseases:fever,sore throat,soreback,stomachache,headache,toothache,cold,cough;
②Be able to learn the expressions of giving advice:lie down and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a?dentist,.take this medicine:about health problems by using“What’s the matter?I have a..."and give advice by using“You should…You shouldn't..."
Ability Objectives:
①Be able to talk aboutone's health problems and?give advice fluently:
②Be able to role play doctor and patient;
Emotion Objectives:
①Improve the cooperative spirit through pair work?and role playing;
Teaching Contents:
This is a lesson about asking people's feelings.
Teaching Key Points:
①Master the names of diseases:fever,sore throat,soreback,stomachache,headache,toothache,cold,cough;
②Master the expressions of giving advice:lie down?and rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist,take this medicine;
③Talk about health problems by using"What's the?matter?I have a..."and give advice by using"You?should...You shouldn't..."
Teaching Difficult Points:
①Students may find it difficult to remember all the?target new words in the class;
②Students may find it difficult to give appropriate?advice to the certain disease because of their limited?life experience.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Wanning up(3 minutes)
Greet students by asking them:How are you today?
Then I'll tell students that I'm not feeling welt today
(Write the sentence on the blackboard and guide?students to read it.)and get students to guess the?reason freely.If students can't get the answer,I'll
tell them that I didn't have a good sleep last night.So?I have a headache.(I say this by doing a gesture)
(Justifications:Narrow the distance between students?and the teacher,as well as easily lead in the teaching?material.)
Step 2 Presentation(5 minutes)
1.Show students a bandage and tell them there is?something wrong in the place where the bandage?lies.Then get students to guess the health problems.
When I do an action,ask students:"What's the?matter?"(write it on the blackboard)For example,when!put the bandage on thestomach,ask?students:"What'sthe matter with me?"Help?students say:"I'm not feeling well.I have a stom-achache."Then teach the other target words:fever,sore throat,toothache,sore back in the following?way:Put the bandage on the other part of body and?get students to ask:What's the matter?Then get?other students to guess the problem.
2.'Use body language to guide students to guess an-other two names of diseases:cold,cough.
3.Show students pictures of diseases half hidden,and get students to guess the names of diseases:fe-ver,sorethroat,toothache,soreback,cold,cough.
(Justification:Through the method of showing band-age to students,students'attention will be attracted.
The new words can be lead in naturally.)
Step 3 Pair-work(5 minutes)
Put the bandage on the part of a student's body and?ask:"What's the matter?"and guide him to use the?pattern:I'm not feeling well.I have a...Then ask?students to work in pairs and talk about health prob-lems by using the bandage given and using the target?language:What's the matter?I'm not feeling well.I?have a...
(Justification:This activity can activate students'desire to join in it.Make more students want to?speak English.)
Step 4 Presentation of expressions of giving advice(5 minutes)
1.Tell students that I have a cold/cough,ask them:
What should I do?Students may give different an-swers,collect their answers and help them to use:
You should/shouldn't do...Then show some pictures?of other diseases mentioned before and ask them to?give advice to each problem by using target lan-guage:You should/shouldn't do...During this?activity,some phrases will be learned:lie down and?rest,drink hot tea with honey,see a dentist,drink?lots of water,take some medicine.
2.Show students two bags.In one bag,there are?pieces of paper with problems while in the other?one,there are pieces of paper with advice.Have a?competition between boys and girls.Take turns to get?paper.For example,one boy gets one paper with?problem,and one girl gets one paper with advice.
The girl should say:What's the matter with you?
The boy should answer the question according to the?problem he got by saying:I'm not feeling well.I?have a...If the girl got the right advice,she should?answer it according to her paper:You should...If it?is not,she should say:You shouldn't,then give the?right advice.The one who makes right sentence can?get one point.
(Justification.:Showing students the pictures about?diseases to help them consolidate the new-learned?knowledge.)
Step 5 Production(8 minutes)
Ask students to make a four-people group,one of?them is a doctor,the other three are patients.Ask?the students to role play the dialogue above.Then?ask several groups to perform before the class by?using some tools:bandage,a uniform,a stetho-scope.Ask other students to select the best doctor?and the best patient.
(Justification:To create a real context to activate?students interest in oral Englis the new knowledge.)
Step 6 Summary and?Homework(4 minutes)
Summary:The teacher,
together with students,uses the blackboard to do the summary.
Homework:Students work in?groups to make up a?dialogue by imitating the given material after class?and act it out the next class.
(Justification:This step can help the teacher check?whether the students have mastered the language point?of asking other people's feelings and also help students?consolidate the knowledge they have learned.)
Board Design:
New words and phrases:
fever,sore throat,sore back What's the matter?
stomachache,headache?toothache,cold,coughI have a...
drink hot tea with honey?lie down and rest?see a dentist——You should.../You shouldn't...take this medicine
案例: 某教师在上《线条的艺术表现力》一课时,先用PPT向学生展示了大自然中有
案例: 陆老师在进行《色彩的对比》一课教学时,首先带领学生做了一个关于“色彩”
课题:《和平鸽》 学习领域:设计·应用 教学内容:以和平为主题设计创作一幅“
案例: 李老师在《装饰画》一课结束前,举办了创意画展,组织全班学生自愿将自己的
梁思成提出文物建筑维修的原则是:()A.古为今用 B.整旧如新 C.修旧
受精卵着床后的子宫内膜发生变化后,称之为A.基膜 B.蜕膜 C.基蜕膜 D
理财师应对客户的理财方案进行定期评估,( )不是定期评估的频率需考虑的因素。A