
游客2024-11-06  10

问题     太阳醒过来了,披上红妆,在东山之巅冉冉升起。她容光焕发,笑容可掬,向人们问候晨安。快活的百灵一向早起,在枝条间婆娑起舞,向太阳娇嘀婉转,唱着颂歌。向日葵戴着亮闪闪的露珠点缀的花冠,争先恐后地迎着朝阳盛开。一群群多情的蜜蜂,哼着轻快的恋歌,飞入绿丛之中与可心的花儿喁喁私语。接着便是缕缕炊烟,缭绕空际,人欢马叫,汽笛长鸣,酣睡了一夜的大地苏醒了。


答案 The sun wakes up, throws on its red mantle and, rises gently up the crest of the eastern mountain, radiating with glory, beaming with smiles,and greeting "Good morning" to everybody. The merry larks, habitual early risers, dance gracefully from twigs to twigs and warble out sweet and melodious odes to the sun. Sunflowers, putting on their coronas decorated with twinkling dewdrops, vie with each other to burst in all their glory toward the first gleams of the morning sun. Swarms of amorous bees, humming out light-hearted madrigals, fly into green clusters to bill and coo with the blossoms after their hearts. Immediately ensue puffing off of chimney smoke in the air, laughter and neigh, and wailing of horns from passing vehicles. The great earth has come to herself from a full night’s lethargic slumber!

解析 1.本段为景色描写,为使读者有身临其境的阅读感受,故采用一般现在时为总体时态。
2.本段翻译的一个难点为众多华丽修饰语的恰当处理。例如:“东山之巅”可简译为crest of the easternmountain;“冉冉升起”可译为rise gently或rise slowly;“容光焕发,笑容可掬”在汉语中相互对应,根据意思译为radiating with glory,beaming with smiles,保留其平行结构;“喁喁私语”颇具浪漫色彩,可译为bill and coo等。
4.第5句的“多情的蜜蜂”根据上下文译为amorous bees,符合原文的含义。若译为sentimental bees,则不妥。sentimental为“多愁善感”之义,与本段的意境相左。“轻快的恋歌”切不可译为gay songs。现代英语中gay的词义已发生变化,主要表示“同性恋”。