
游客2024-11-06  13

问题 ……一进教堂我就被那钢琴的乐音吸引住了,简直不能自拔。可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴呀。更槽糕的是,据说钢琴家都有音乐细胞,是遗传的;我想我父亲是工程师,母亲是技术员,哪会遗传什么音乐细胞呀。


答案 ...I found myself inexorably attracted by the melody of a piano—something beyond the means of my parents. To make it worse, people say a pianist is supposed to have music in the blood, but I believe I had none from my engineer father and technician mother.

解析 汉英翻译有时需要化繁为简,以使译文不显得过于拖沓冗长。“可是我父母哪儿买得起钢琴呀”在原文中是单独一句,这句似乎单独译为一句However a piano was unaffordable for my parents也可算是不错的译文,但此处译文将句子简化为一个介词短语beyond the means of my parents,令人赞叹。“我想我父亲是工程师,母亲是技术员,哪会遗传什么音乐细胞呀”似乎也只有老老实实照原文语序直译为how could I acquire the gift,for my father was an engineer while my mother a technician,但看了此处译文I had none from my engineer father and technician mother,才发觉上面的译文过于拘谨了。