
游客2024-11-04  21

问题   经过了几千年缓慢的、各代人都几乎觉察不到的发展之后,城市正在突然、迅速地向四面八方扩展开来。中国现在的城市人口每年以7%的速度在增长,而在大城市里则达到每年增长10%。仅举一个可以看得见的城市加速扩展的例子,上海目前每小时要增加十栋楼房和一百平方米的马路,且这个速度近几年并不会减慢。随着农村面积的逐步缩小,绝大多数人口正在向市区迁移,我们正在向城市化的社会发展。


答案   After millennia of slow growth that was hardly noticed by each generation, cities are suddenly and rapidly reaching out in every direction. Urban population in China increases by 7 percent a year, while in big cities the rate may be as high as 10 percent a year. To give only one visible example of accelerated urban expansion, Shanghai now grows by 10 buildings and 100 square metres of road every hour. Besides, there is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken in recent years. With rural areas gradually shrinking, we are now heading towards an urbanized society as the vast majority of rural people move into cities.
