According to numerous research reports, many people have been able to use se
According to numerous research reports, many people have been able to use se
According to numerous research reports, many people have been able to use self-hypnosis to relieve anxiety, over come fears, control overeating, stop smoking, conquer insomnia. Dr. Paul Sacerdote, psychiatrist and oncologist at New York City’s Nontefiore Hospital, has taught self-hypnosis to cancer patients and other with chronic pain, and says that 20 percent achieve nearly total relief and 60 percent achieve partial help.
Research studies also show that self-hypnosis can be an effective treatment for many ailments in which tension and anxiety are factors: asthma, colitis, frigidity and impotence, migraine and high blood pressure, for instance. But authorities warn that it should not be relied on to take the place of medical treatment for serious physical illnesses, and it should not be used to explore deep emotional disturbances without professional supervision.
To many people, self- hypnosis sounds impossible but only because their view of hypnosis is incorrect. They think of hypnosis as a process in which a hypnotic, using special skills and powers, forces his subject to fell into a sleep-like trance and to become obedient to his commands. Actually, you have to be willing to enter the trance—it can’t be forced on you. As my hypnosis researcher Dr. Herbert Spiegel of Columbia University’s College of physicians and surgeons puts it, "Hypnosis isn’t something a hypnotist does to you. You do it to yourself."
By using such techniques as having the subject stare at one point and telling him to relax one group of muscles after another, the hypnotist helps the subject slip into a "trance," in which he becomes open to certain kinds of suggestions. According to psychiatrist Dr. Fred H. Frankel, a hypnosis expert at Harvard Medical School, the trance is achieved by focusing one’s attention to the point where all distracting thoughts and physical sensations are excluded. It is not unconscious ness and not sleep, but much like the condition you fall into when you are so absorbed in what you are reading or working on that you fail to hear someone speaking to you.
Once in the trance state, you’re able to ignore most of the messages of your body and mind, and thereby become receptive to certain ideas. Suggestions aimed at enabling you to achieve specific goals enter into your preconscious or unconscious mind and remain active there, influencing your behavior and feelings.
But in every case you must want to carry out the suggestion, if you don’t really want to kick the smoking habit, for example, hypnosis won’t help.
one makes himself relax
分析总结,得出答案。从文章头两段可以看出,自我催眠主要可以缓解一些与精神方面有关的疾病和困扰:relieve anxiety,over come fears,control overeating,stop smoking,conquer insomnia.舒缓紧张情绪,克服恐惧,控制过量饮食,戒烟和克服失眠等。Research studies also show that self-hypnosis can be an effective treatment for many ailments in which tension and anxiety are factors.缓解由于紧张和压力引起的疾病。
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1,4,13,40,121,()A.1093 B.364 C
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基础心理学是研究()。 (A)正常成人心理现象的心理学基础学科 (B
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