黄河全长约5 464千米,是中国境内仅次于长江的第二大长河。黄河发源于巴颜喀拉山(theBayan Har Mountains),流经中国9个省区,最后

游客2024-02-04  17

问题     黄河全长约5 464千米,是中国境内仅次于长江的第二大长河。黄河发源于巴颜喀拉山(theBayan Har Mountains),流经中国9个省区,最后注入渤海。黄河被称为中国的母亲河,是中华文明的摇篮。黄河流域(basin)是中华民族的发源地之一。历史上,黄河流域长期作为中国政治、经济和文化的中心,曾是中国最繁荣的地区之一。


答案     With an estimated length of 5 464 kilometers, the Yellow River is the second longest river in China only to the Yangtze River. It originates in the Bayan Har Mountains, flows through nine provinces and regions of China, and empties into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River is referred to as China’s Mother River, and is the cradle of Chinese civilization. The Yellow River basin was a birthplace of the Chinese nation. Over a long period of time it served as the political, economic and cultural center of China, and was one of the most prosperous regions in Chinese history.

解析 1.“黄河”译为the Yellow River,也可以直接用汉语拼音Huang He表示。同样,“长江”既可译为the Yangtze River,也可以译为Chang Jiang。在翻译第一句时,可以稍微调整一下语序,将“全长约5 464千米”放在句子的开头,用With引导的介词短语来表示,“仅次于长江”放在句子的最后。“仅次于”可以译为only to,也可以用following表示。
2.第二句中含有三个谓语动词,分别为“发源于”、“流经”、“注入”,对应的英文分别为originatein,flow through,empty into。
3.第四句中,“……的发源地”可以译为a birthplace of…,也可以用the home of…来表示。