西街(West Street)位于桂林阳朔县的中心,是一条长约500米、宽8米的古老街道。自上世纪80年代以来,来西街旅游的外国游客人数每年都在增长。西

游客2024-01-28  16

问题     西街(West Street)位于桂林阳朔县的中心,是一条长约500米、宽8米的古老街道。自上世纪80年代以来,来西街旅游的外国游客人数每年都在增长。西街因此成为了中国最大的“外语中心”和东西方文化交流的窗口。除当地的方言外,英语是西街的常用语言之一。在西街听到中国老太太讲一口流利的英语不足为奇。这里独特的文化融合深深吸引着每个游客。


答案     Located at the center of Yangshuo county of Guilin, the West Street is an old street about 500 meters long and 8 meters wide. Since the 1980s, the number of foreign visitors to the West Street has been growing every year. The West Street has, thereby, become the biggest "foreign language center" in China and a window of cultural exchange between the eastern and the western world. In addition to the local dialect of Yangshuo, English is one of the commonly used languages over there. It is no surprise to hear elderly Chinese women there speaking fluent English. Every tourist is attracted by the unique cultural blending in the West Street.

解析 1.第1句“西街位于……,是……古老街道”由两个分句组成,如果直译为并列的成分(The West Street is located at…and is an old street...)会使译文显得生硬,可考虑把内容更多的后半句处理为主干,而把前半句处理为地点状语,置于句首(Located at the center of Yangshuo county of Guilin)。定语“长约500米、宽8米的”较长,宜将其处理成后置定语,译为about 500 meters long and 8 meters wide,用于修饰“古老街道”。
2.第2句“自……以来,……游客人数每年都在增长”说是延续到现今一直存在的状态,应使用现在完成进行时,即用have/has been doing sth.表达。“来西街旅游的外国游客人数”中的定语较长,可拆分处理,其中“外国游客(的)”处理成介词结构of foreign visitors,“来西街旅游的”简单处理成to the West Street,以符合英语的表达习惯。
3.第4句中的“当地的方言”意指阳朔县的方言,翻译时应增译“阳朔”加以明确,即译成the local dialect of Yangshuo。
4.在倒数第2句中,“……不足为奇”可套用it is no surprise to…句型来表达;“听到中国老太太讲一口流利的英语”可用hear sb.doing sth.结构表达,译作hear elderly Chinese women speaking fluent English;句首的地点状语“在西街”可用there代替,避免表达的简单重复。
5.在最后一句中,“(物)深深吸引着(人)”在翻译时一般译为sb.is attracted by sth.。