
游客2023-12-25  30

问题     世界著名的《格萨尔王传》是藏族人民在漫长历史长河中创造出来的一部珍贵的长篇英雄史诗,是中国乃至世界文学宝库中少有的珍品,但一直是通过民间说唱艺人口头流传为了保护藏民族的这一文化瑰宝,西藏自治区于1979年成立了抢救、整理《格萨尔王传》的专门机构,进行全面搜集、采录、整理、研究和出版工作。国家将《格萨尔》列入“六五”、“七五”、“八五”三个五年计划的重点科研项目。//经过20年的努力,共搜集藏文手抄本、木刻本近300部,除去异文本约有100部,现已正式出版藏文本70余部,总印数达300余万册,使这一长期零散传唱的口头文学变成了一部系统完整、被称为“世界史诗之王”的文学巨著、同时还出版了20多部汉译本,并有若干种译成英、日、法文出版。这在藏族民间文艺遗产的保护以及出版史上都是前所未有的。//


答案     The world-famous Life of King Gesar,a long and Valuable heroic epic created by the Tibetan people over a considerable long period of time,is a rare literary treasure of China and the entire world. However, it has all along been passed down by folk artists orally. To better protect it,the regional authorities set up special bodies in 1979 for the collection, research, editing and publishing of the Life of King Gesar. The State included it in the key scientific research project lists of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Five-Year plans. //After 20 years’ efforts, nearly 300 handwritten or block-printed Tibetan volumes have been collected. Among them, except 100 variant volumes, about 70 volumes have been formally published in the Tibetan language, with a total print run of well over three million copies. Thus, this epic, which had for long centuries been known only to a few folk artists, has come out as a systematically complete literary masterpiece that is called "the king of world epics. " In addition, over 20 volumes of the Chinese edition have been published, and some have been translated into English, Japanese and French, and distributed all over the world. This was an unprecedented achievement in protecting the Tibetan literary and art heritage, as well as in publishing history. //
    Modern Tibetan literature and art have developed greatly in the process of combining with the traditional formats, styles and characteristics. After the peaceful liberation of Tibet, a group of literary and art workers from different ethnic groups went into the thick of life in Tibet to explore and inherit the fine aspects of the local literature and art tradition. They created a lot of poems, novels, songs, dances, fine art works, films and photos, introducing new literary and artistic ideas and creation experience to the then closed or semi-closed parts of Tibet. //
