中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大。两国已缔结了33对友好省州和 123对姊妹城市。去年,到中国旅游的美国人多达131万人次。中国赴美探亲、求学、

游客2023-12-25  46

问题     中美两国建交以来,人民之间的交往不断扩大。两国已缔结了33对友好省州和 123对姊妹城市。去年,到中国旅游的美国人多达131万人次。中国赴美探亲、求学、经商的有44万人次。中国有超过18万人曾在美国留学,目前在读的留学生有六万余人。而在中国学习的美国留学生只有约3000人,位居外国在华留学人数第3位。中美在教育领域的交流与合作还有很大发展空间。中国绝大多数大中小学生都学习英语,总人数超过1.2亿。美国已有近1000所高校和200多所中小学开设了中文课程,华人华侨开办了近600所中文学校,包括在马里兰大学创建的孔子学院。但与中美交往的需要相比,美国的汉语教学任重道远。


答案      Since the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the United States, contacts between the two peoples have been on constant increase. Thirty-three pairs of friendship provinces (states) and 123 pairs of sister cities have been twinned. More than 1.31 million Americans visited China last year alone while 440,000 Chinese went the other way for family reunion, education or business. More than 180,000 Chinese have studied in the United States with over 60,000 still studying in US schools or universities. In contrast, only some 3,000 Americans are now studying in China, ranking third in foreign student population breakdown. Clearly there is a huge potential for educational exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. In China, most colleges, middle schools and primary Schools have English on their curriculums, with the total number of students reaching 120 million. In the United States, nearly 1,000 colleges and over 200 elementary or high schools offer Chinese courses. The Chinese communities have set up some 600 Chinese language schools, including the Confucius School set up in the University of Maryland. Still, Chinese language learning in the United States is a far cry from the needs of bilateral exchanges.
    The Chinese and Americans have cherished warm sentiments towards each other. Mickey Mouse is very popular among Chinese kids while Chinese basketball star Yao Ming a household name in this country. Increased exchanges and cooperation between our two peoples will help increase mutual understanding and friendship and bolster public support for the constructive and cooperative relations between the two countries, thus better serving the interests of our peoples. China’s Ministry of Culture and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in the United States have planned to jointly host the Chinese Art Festival in Washington DC, when more than 600 Chinese artists will give performance or hold art exhibitions. This is yet another big event in Sino-US cultural exchanges.
    We follow the principle of "harmony without uniformity" in interpersonal communication. We always believe that different countries with. different origins of civilization can get along with each other in a harmonious way instead of repelling each other. As major countries of global influence, China and the United States should respect and learn from each other, seek common ground while shelving differences, and complement each other with respective strengths. In so doing, we can set a good example for different countries and civilizations to live side by side harmoniously and engage in constructive cooperation, making a contribution to the common development of humanity.
    The youth represents the future of our world. I see in the exchange students of China and the United States the profound friendship between the two peoples and the bright prospects of Sino-US relations. I am confident that future relations between our two countries will be infinitely better. Though tomorrow belongs to the next generation, the obligation to create a beautiful tomorrow falls on the shoulders of the current generation. Let us ground ourselves on the current situation and take a long view with a strategic vision when looking at and handling Sino-US relations. Let us earnestly act on the agreement reached by our state leaders, keep faith with the principles of the three joint communiqués, focus ourselves on our common interests with strengthened dialogue, exchanges and cooperation, thus moving forward the constructive and cooperative relations between the two countries.

解析     本文是一段关于中美两国交流的讲话。文中介绍了中美两国民间交流的成果,尤其是在教育方面成果突出,还具有很大的发展空间。其次,文中介绍了两国人民之间的友好情感,主要是文化交流。此外,本文还阐述了两国交流的原则和理念,并对两国交流的美好未来做出了展望。
    1.孔子学院                  Confucius School
    2.马里兰大学                University of Maryland
    3.中国文化部                China’s Ministry of Culture
    4.美国肯尼迪表演艺术中心    the John F.Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in the United States
    5.中美三个联合公报          the Three Sino-US Joint Communiques
    1.友好省州           friendship provinces (states)
    2.姊妹城市           sister cities
    3.很大发展空间       huge potential
    4.家喻户晓           a household name
    5.相互了解           mutual understanding
    6.中国艺术节         Chinese Art Festival
    7.和而不同           harmony without uniformity
    8.求同存异           seek common ground while shelving differences
    9.取长补短           complement each other with respective strengths
    10.建设性合作关系    constructive and cooperative relations.