
游客2023-11-26  19

问题 不消说,相识的人数是随了年龄增加的,一个人年龄越大,走过的地方当过的职务越多,相识的人理该越增加了,可是相识的人并不就是朋友。我们和许多人相识,或是因了事务关系,或是因了偶然的机缘——如在别人请客的时候同席吃过饭之类。见面时点头或握手,有事时走访或通信,口头上彼此也称为“朋友”,笔头上有时或称“仁兄”,诸如此类,其实只是一种社交上的客套,和“顿首”“百拜”同是仪式的虚伪。这种交际可以说是社交,和真正的友谊相差似乎很远。


答案 But not all acquaintances are friends. We come to know many people either in the way of business or by mere chance—say, having been at the same table at a dinner party. We may be on nodding or hand-shaking terms, call each other "friend", sometimes write to each other with the salutation of "Dear So-and-So", and the like. All these are, in fact, nothing but civilities of social life, as hypocritical as the polite formula "dunshou" (kowtow) or "baibai" (a hundred greetings) used after the signature in old-fashioned Chinese letter-writing. We may call them social intercourse, but they seem to have very little in common with genuine friendship.

解析 1.本文节选自夏丏尊的《中年人的寂寞》,原文发表在1934年11月的《中学生》杂志上,文章用平淡的语言诉说了中年人的苦恼,感叹“真实的友谊”不可多得。文章语言简单平实,但出现了如“顿首”“百拜”等文言文用词,翻译时应准确理解其意思。
3.第2句中的“或是因了……,或是因了……”是两个并列原因状语,可用either...or...连接。“因了”含有“因为”和“为了”的意思,可选用in the way of来翻译,作“为了”解。in the way of有若干不同的意思,如“关于”“以……的方法”“为了”等,须由上下文来决定其此处语义。
5.译文将“仁兄”译为了so-and-so,该词原意指“某某人”,在不知道某人的具体名字时使用。在写给初次相识的人的信中可以用Dear So-and-So开头。
6.“和‘顿首“百拜’同是仪式的虚伪”译为as hypocritical as the polite formula dunshou(kowtow)orbaibai(a hundred greetings)used after the signature in old-fashioned Chinese letter-writing。其中kowtow、a hundred greetings以及used after the signature in old fashioned Chinese letter-writing均为译者的补充说明,属于一种释义译法。