
游客2023-11-28  34

问题 规劝乃是朋友中间应有之义,但是谈何容易。名利场中,沆瀣一气,自己都难以明辨是非,哪有余力规劝别人?而在对方则又良药苦口忠言逆耳,谁又愿意让人批评他的逆鳞?规劝不可当着第三者的面行之,以免伤他的颜面,不可在他情绪不宁时行之,以免逢彼之怒。孔子说:“忠告则善道之,不可则止。”我总以为劝善规过是友谊之消极的作用。友谊之乐是积极的。只有神仙与野兽才喜欢孤独,人是要朋友的。“假如一个人独自升天,看见宇宙的大观,群星的美丽,他并不能感到快乐,他必要找到一个人向他述说他所见到的奇景,他才能快乐。”共享快乐,比共受患难,应该是更正常的友谊中的趣味。


答案     A duty towards friends as admonition is, it is never easy to perform. Drifting alike in this Vanity Fair, we ourselves are lost in the stream, let alone being qualified to admonish others. On the other hand, just as a good medicine is bitter in the mouth, faithful advice usually offends the ear; no one welcomes others to touch his sore spot. To save the face of the listener, admonition should not be given at the presence of a third party; it also should not be delivered at a friend’s agitation lest it should stir his wrath. Confucius once said that "Sincere advice, if is to be offered, should be done in an amicable way or never. " As for me, I always believe that admonition is the negative effect of friendship.

解析 1.画线部分第一句“规劝乃是朋友中间应有之义,但是谈何容易”有让步的含义,故前半句可采用as引导的让步状语从句;“规劝”译为admonition。
2.画线部分第二句中的“名利场”译为Vanity Fair;翻译“难以明辨是非”时可以采取两种策略:直译为cannot distinguish right from wrong,或意译为are lost in the stream;“哪有余力规劝别人”可增译表示递进关系的let alone。
3.画线部分第三句中的“而在对方则又良药苦口忠言逆耳”出于篇章衔接考虑,应增译On the other hand;其次还应注意,“良药苦口忠言逆耳”是进行类比,其核心在于“忠言”,英文是形合的语言,翻译时应当符合形合语言的语法,所以此处应当增译just as,以突出句子的重心,此句应译为…just as a good medicine is bitter in the mouth,faithful advice usually offends the ear…;“逆鳞”可采取归化策略译为sore spot。
4.画线部分第四句中的“第三者”译为third party;“在他情绪不宁时”译为介词短语at a friend’s agitation;“以免”用lest;“逢彼之怒”译为stir his wrath;句中几处“他”可采用替换、省略或重复的策略处理。