
游客2023-07-03  45

问题     在中国漫长的封建(feudal)历史过程中,拥有至高无上权力的帝王们为自己建造了普通大众可望而不可即的宫廷楼宇,这些建筑代表了当时建筑技术的精髓。据史料记载,秦代的阿房宫、汉代的未央宫以及唐代的大明宫都是宏大的建筑群,有宽阔的庭院以及宏伟的殿堂。目前仅存下来的帝王宫殿是分别建于明清两代的北京紫禁城和沈阳故宫,它们代表了古代宫廷建筑技术和艺术的顶峰。


答案     In the long history of Chinese feudal society, the emperors, as the holders of supreme power, had palaces and other structures built which the populace may aspire to but can never attain. The architecture represents the essence of the architectural techniques at that time. Ancient records describe the now vanished Epang Palace of the Qin Dynasty, Weiyang Palace of the Han Dynasty and Darning Palace of the Tang Dynasty as being huge constructions with broad courtyards and magnificent halls. The only imperial palaces extant nowadays are the Forbidden City in Beijing and the Imperial Palace in Shenyang, which were built during the Ming and Qing dynasties respectively. They represent the best technical and artistic achievements of ancient palace architecture.

解析 1.第一句中,“可望而不可即的”可以译为aspire to but can never attain或者用形容词unattainable来表示。“普通大众”既可以用populace也可以用ordinary people来表示。
2.第二句中,“有宽阔的庭院以及宏伟的殿堂”可以用with结构来表示,with broad courtyards andmagnificent halls作定语修饰“宏大的建筑群”。
3.第三句中的“目前仅存下来的帝王宫殿”我们可以翻译为the only imperial palaces extantnowadays,其中extant意为“现存的”,也可以用existing来表示。
4.最后一句中的“顶峰”可以译为the best或者the top。