
资格题库2022-08-02  94

问题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语写作教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但必须包含下列要点:●teaching objectives●teaching contents●key and difficult points●major steps and time allocation●activities and justifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学九年级(初中三年级)学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)四级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:



解析 Teaching Objectives:
(1)Students observe the pictures in Section A to get?writing material,then under the guidance of the Sec-tion B,they decide on the writing genre and choose?the right structnre and right tense to write a coherent?composition.
(2)Students can edit and revise their writing in?pairs or under teacher's guidance.
(3)Through revising,students improve their writing?skills.
Teaching Contents:
It is a guided writing lesson.The topic is A day in?the life of Gary Green.
Teaching Important Points:
Students can write a coherent composition with ap-propriate language in right tense.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Students can edit and revise their composition in?right way.
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Pre-writing(5 minutes)
Activity 1 Brainstorming
The teacher shows some photos of environmental pol-lution,and asks students what they can do to protect?the environment.The teacher lists down students'ideas on the blackboard.
(Justification:Brainstorming can activate students'thinking,enlarge students'language output,and?help students get prepared to write a composition.)
Activity 2 Discussion
The teacher leads students to observe the pictures in?the Section A,and discuss what Gary Green does to?protect theenvironment.Theteacherliststhe?students'discussion results on the blackboard.Then,students read the Section B in the textbook.They?should answer the listed questions and write the an-swers down on the notebook.
(Justification:Thediscussionactivity can help?students prepare writing materials.)
Step 2 While-writing(10 minutes)
Students arrange the information(got in pre-writing?step)in logical order according to the given outline?in Section B.Then,students are given 5 minutes to?write their first draft.When students are writing,the?teacher should walk around the classroom to provide?help and direct several students'writing.After that,students work in pairs to discuss and edit each?other's composition for about 3minutes.Then,students modify their own composition and transcribe?the second draft.
(Justification:In this step,students write and modify?their composition,and the teacher only plays as an?assistant.)
Step 3 Post-writing(5 minutes)
The teacher chooses three second drafts written by?three students and projects them to the white board.
The whole class read the drafts and point out the ad-vantages and disadvantages.The teacher corrects the?common mistakes and leads the whole class to con-clude the writing essentials.Finally,students are?asked to repolish their second draft,then hand in?their final draft.After the teacher reads over all the?students'composition,he will choose three best ones?to exhibit in the class.
(Justification:In this step,the teacher and students?evaluate three compositions to get more information?about how to write a qualified composition,and then?studentspolish their own composition again to?develop their writing skills.)
