
练习题库2022-08-02  76

问题 设计任务:请阅读下面学生信息和语言素材,设计20分钟的英语口语教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但必须包含下列要点:●teaching objectives●teaching contents●key and difficult points●major steps and time allocation●activities and justifications教学时间:20分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生,班级人数40人。多数学生已经达到《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积极性一般。语言素材:



解析 Teaching Objectives:(1)Knowledge and SkillsStudents use the sentences"What can/could/should?we do?Do you have any more ideas?What else?Any other ideas?”to ask for other students'opinions?and use the sentences"We can/could/should...I?think we should...How anoutto offer their own?advice.(2)Process and MethodsStudents discuss in groups about the things they?should do to welcome the foreign students based on?the listening material,then give a report.(3)Emotional Attitudes and ValuesStudentsrecognizeandrespectthecultural?differences between China and England,and can find?appropriate ways to welcome the foreign students.Teaching Contents:This is a speaking lesson whose topic is about"how?to welcome a group of foreign students who are going?to visit your school".Students should ask and give?their opinions during communication.Teaching Important Points:Students master the sentence patterns.Teaching Difficult Points:Students decide the right things they can do to?wel-come the foreign students in conformity to British?people's manner.Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Pre-task(3 minutes)When the class is on,the teacher tells his students?that"A group of English students are going to visit?our school next week.In order to give them an unfor-gettable experience,please brainstorm several plans?to welcome them."The teacher writes down on the blackboard the key?phrases that students havementioned,and gives his?commend"You are so?warmhearted.But you know,they are Englishmen.We must welcome them in British manner.How?Before thinking about that,let's listen to two materials?in the textbook to finish the listening exercises first."(Justification:Talking about the topic in the real situa-tion can raise students'enthusiasm to communicate.)Step 2 Task-cycle(15 minutes)Activity 1 ListeningStudents listen to the first listening material about?students'discussion three times,takenotes and?finish the exercise 2in the textbook.Then the?teacher letsstudentsretell?the?students'ideas?mentioned in the listening material and predict what?suggestions the teacher will give in the secondlistening material.Students listen to the second material about the?teacher's suggestions three times,check their pre-diction by circling the teacher's suggestions in the?textbook.(Justification:The listening task is language input?activity,which will help students output more lan-guage information in the next activity.)Activity 2 Group DiscussionStudents discuss in groups about why they should?and shouldn't do the things mentioned in the listen-ing materials.During students'discussion,the teach-er guides students to notice the cultural differences?between China and England.Then,students discuss?again what else they can do if the foreign students?really visit their school.Several minutes later,they?share their ideas in the class group by group.(Justification:The first discussion task will help?students recognize the cultural differences,and also?can prompt students to find appropriate ways to wel-come the foreign students in the second discussion?task.)Step 3 LanguageFocus(2 minutes)The teacher guidesstudents to notice and concludethe language structures they used.How to ask for?other people’s opinions?How to offer your own ad-their conclusion in the note-book.Then,the teacher writes the key language?structures on the blackboard.Students are asked to?write a short passage to introduce their plans to wel-come the foreign students as a homework.(Justification:This step draws students'attention to?the language patterns,which is good for their accu-rate use of language.)Blackboard Design:
