尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们: 早上好! 我很高兴来参加《财富》全球论坛,也很荣幸在此与大家交流一下我的看法。 27年前,“开放”对于

游客2025-01-18  9

问题     尊敬的来宾,女士们,先生们:
    早上好! 我很高兴来参加《财富》全球论坛,也很荣幸在此与大家交流一下我的看法。


答案 Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
     Good Morning. It is my great pleasure and honor to come to the Fortune Forum to exchange ideas and views with you.
     27 years ago, the word "opening" was still very new to Chinese people. In 27 year’s time, China’s GNP increased by 1,100% with an average rate of 9.4%. Thus we can see, the opening policy really brings benefitto the Chinese people, and the Chinese people love this policy from the bottom of their hearts.
     Today, China’s opening drive ushers in a new phase.
     First, China’s opening has been lifted to a new level. Following the WTO accession, and within the 3-year transitional period, China has restructured its economy according to WTO rules and commitments. The overall tariff rate was brought down to less than 10%, all the non-tariff barriers have been eliminated, and theliberalization of all industries, especially the service industry, has been significantly enhanced.
     Second, the Chinese market has become larger in scale and shows a continuous, upward trend. No one doubts that China is becoming the fastest-growing huge market in the world, and has become the largestconsumer of televisions, refrigerators, and mobile phones. Housing, private cars and domestic and outboundtravel have become the new highlights of consumption. Last year, the domestic market had a consumptionfor production and livelihood of a total value of more than two trillion US dollars. In eastern China where thepopulation is nearly 500 million, the per capita GDP reached 2,000 US dollars. Chinese household savingshave exceeded 1.5 trillion US dollars.
     Third, China not only has skilled blue-collars, but will also have more white-collars. China used to compete on the advantage of inexpensive labor force. While this advantage is maintained, high-qualitytalents are growing as well. With more than 3 million university students about to graduate this year, theintellectuality of China’s human resources and the popularization of foreign languages will also be improved.
     Fourth, China’s infrastructure is being bettered. At present, the total length of highways in China has reached 30 thousand kilometers. 72,000-kilometer railways have been put in operation, making China theNo.3 in the world. Handling capacity of Chinese ports stands at 4.1 billion tons, ranking No.1 globally.The number of telephone users is more than 650 million, making China the largest user community in theworld; the number of Internet users is 94 million, the second largest globally. China is already equipped withbettered and smooth conditions to work with the rest of the world.
     Today, I am afraid that the vast majority of people in the world have no doubt about China’s stability andorder.
