女士们,先生们: 早上好!很荣幸参加此次论坛,与各位共同探讨环保与发展方面的问题。气候变化是环境问题,但归根到底是发展问题。这个问题是在发展进

游客2025-01-18  11

问题     女士们,先生们:


答案 Ladies and Gentlemen,
    Good morning. It is my great honor to participate this forum to discuss environmental protection and economic development with you. Climate change is an environmental problem, but in the final analysis itis a developmental problem. It comes out in the process of development and should be addressed within theframework of sustainable development. While seeking self-development, we have to improve our technicallevel and build up production and consumption modes conducive to sustainable development. Only by doingthis, can we cope with the challenges of climate change.
    While promoting less greenhouse gas emission, the international community should also consider how to respond to the existing climate changes, and to enable the developing countries, especially the smallisland countries and the least developed countries, to ward off disastrous climate. Environmental protection is a responsibility shared by all human beings. However, we must adhere to the principle of differentiated responsibilities, which is established by the United Nations. This principle reflects the differences innational economic situation, historical responsibility and per capita emission level. It is the basis for futureinternational cooperation.
    According to this principle, the developed countries should meet the emission target identified by the Kyoto Protocol, provide assistance to the developing countries, and continue to take the lead in reducingemissions after 2010. Shortly before, EU decided to reduce 20% greenhouse gas emissions by 2020. Wewelcome it, and at the same time hope other countries to make similar commitment.
    The industrialization, urbanization and modernization in the developing countries are far from being finished yet. Economic development and better livelihood are still arduous tasks for them. To meet thesetargets, the developing countries have more demands for energy. Therefore, it is inappropriate to force themto reduce emissions. On the other hand, we developing countries must also try our best to take measures tomake positive contribution to global sustainable development.
    The international community should have more cooperation, so as to make sure more countries can protect ecological environment while seeking economic development. To meet this end, the internationalcommunity should look to the future, form a new concept about benefits and find a new cooperation mode,and carry out realistic cooperation. Efforts should also be made to intensify research and development and toadvocate the new technologies such as energy saving, environmental protection and renewable energy, and tomake sure that the developing countries can afford and apply these technologies.
