
游客2024-11-06  10

问题     清晨,太阳还没有露脸。校园里静悄悄的,大多数人还在梦乡享受清晨难得的凉爽,偶有晨练的老者在悄无声息地舒筋活骨。一阵微风吹过,树叶上的露珠嗖然滴落,空气中弥漫着一股湿漉漉的气息。在校园的一隅,一棵柳树之下匍匐着一个稚童,正在目不转睛盯着树旁地上的一个小洞。忽然,他发现了什么,先是拿树枝掏,接着用嘴吹,继而用水灌。一只蝉的幼虫被他逼得走投无路,只得从洞里钻出来,成为孩子的猎物。


答案 In the morning, the sun was yet to rise. All was quiet, as most people were still slumbering in the soothing pre-dawn coolness. Here and there a few elderly people were flexing their muscles in silence. A gentle breeze rose, and drops of morning dew fell from tree leaves to the ground, filling the air with a refreshing dampness. In the corner of the campus a child was lying on all fours under a tree, his eyes wide open as he peered curiously into a tiny hole in the ground. Suddenly, as if having discovered something, he began poking the hole with a tree wig and blowing air into it. Then he poured water into it. Cornered in the hole was the larva of a cicada, which had no choice but to crawl out and surrender itself to its captor.

解析 1.本文为描写性记叙文,描写某天清晨校园的景致及一孩童树下玩耍的情景,总体时态应为一般过去时。
2.“太阳还没露脸”指“还没日出”,故“露脸”可以用appear,come out,rise等表达。
3.第2句前两个分句隐含不太强烈的因果关系,可增译as使其连接更顺。由第1句可知,本句的“清晨”实指“日出前”,故可考虑译作pre-dawn。“舒筋活骨”可用短语flex one’s muscles表示。
4.“嗖然滴落”可以简单意译为drop/fall from the tree leaves。译文将“空气中弥漫着一股湿漉漉的气息”转译成分词短语,“湿漉漉的”转换成名词的dampness,使句式更为简洁。
5.“一隅”指“一个角落”;“匍匐”可译作grovel,lie prostrate或lie on all fours等;“目不转睛”可分译成两层意思:眼睛睁大,集中精神地看。根据文意,可适当增译curiously等词表达稚童的好奇之心。
6.“拿树枝掏”“用嘴吹”“用水灌”三个动作需根据英语的表达习惯灵活处理,可均增补“掏”“吹”“灌”的对象“洞”,译成poke the hole with a tree wig and blowing air into it.Then he poured water into it。
7.“被他逼得走投无路”是拟人的手法,可译成伴随状语with nowhere to escape,译文译成“cornered inthe hole”表达更简明、地道,不失为佳译。译文最后一句的had no choice和surrender等词的译法沿袭了原文的拟人手法,使译文读起来更生动有趣。