
游客2024-11-05  12

问题 德、日、意法西斯挑起的世界大战的罪恶罄竹难书。1937年12月,日军攻占南京后进行大规模屠杀、强奸、纵火、抢劫等战争罪行和反人类罪行,导致30万中国平民和战俘被杀害,南京城被毁三分之一,财产损失不计其数。在欧洲,德国法西斯对犹太人采取种族灭绝政策,杀害的欧洲犹太人总数大约600万,其中150万是儿童。1942年,日本在菲律宾大肆虐待美、英、澳军战俘,臭名昭著的“巴丹死亡行军”造成一万多盟军士兵无辜死去。


答案     The war crimes of the Fascist Germany, Japan and Italy are too numerous to record. In December 1937 when the Japanese troops conquered Nanjing, they committed lurid war crimes against humanity such as massacre, rape, arson, robbery. The total of the slaughtered civilians and prisoners of war in the Nanjing Massacre is over 300, 000. One third of Nanjing city was destroyed and the loss of property is beyond counting. In Europe, the German Fascists carried out the policy of genocide against Jews. Over 6 million Jews in Europe were killed, of whom 1.5 million are children. In 1942, the Japanese army in Philippines abused the prisoners of war from the United States, Britain and Australia and the notorious "Bataan Death March" cost over 10, 000 allied soldiers.

解析 背景介绍
-  成语“罄竹难书”的表达应注意其准确性,此成语的含义为罪恶太多以致难以罗列,故“too numerous to record”便能准确传达其含义。
-  “不计其数”的表达应遵从固定的翻译形式“beyond counting”。
-  “其中150万是儿童”很容易译为including 1.5 million children.但原文的句型更强调150万是儿童,所以应译为“of whom 1.5 million are children”。
-  “臭名昭著”——notorious应注意准确性。  “造成……无辜死去”一句易翻译成make sb.die unnecessarily,而cost一词更能简洁地表达其含义。“盟军”一词为已有的固定搭配,应译为“allied soldiers”。