
游客2024-11-05  13

问题     尽管古人把书说成“浩如烟海”,书的世界却真正的“天涯若比邻”,这话绝不是唯心的比拟。世界再大也没有阻隔。佛说“三千大干世界”,可算大极了。书的境地呢,“现在界”还加上“过去界”,也带上“未来界”,实在是包罗万象,贯穿三界。而我们却可以足不出户,在这里随意阅历,随时拜师求教。谁说读书人目光短浅,不通人情,不关心世事呢!这里可得到丰富的经历,可认识各时各地、多种多样的人。经常在书里“串门儿”,至少可以脱去几分愚昧,多长几个心眼儿吧?


答案     Despite the ancient saying about books being like a vast ocean, the distant world of books could be actually deemed as close as a next-door neighbor, which is not merely an idealistic metaphorical assertion. For in the world of books there are no longer any barriers. The Buddhist notion of "one Buddha-world" is extremely enormous, but what about the extremities of the world of books? It consists of "the present realm", "the past realm" and "the future realm", encompassing everything in each of the three great realms, across whose borders we can care to read and experience, and learn from masters any time we want, without venturing outdoors at all. Who says that book-lovers are near-sighted, inflexible and indifferent to worldly affairs! In the world of books, we can enrich our experience and get to know all kinds of people from different times and places. Those who visit the world of books frequently can at least rid themselves of some ignorance and gain a certain degree of wisdom.

解析 背景介绍
-  尽管古人把书说成“浩如烟海”,书的世界却真正的“天涯若比邻”,这话绝不是唯心的比拟:这句话中出现了成语“浩如烟海”和古诗“天涯若比邻”,在翻译时,无须逐字翻译,将其主要意思译出即可。译文为:Despite the ancient saying about books being like a vast ocean,the distant world of books could be actually deemed as close as a next-door neighbor, which is not merely an idealistic metaphorical assertion.
-  佛说“三千大千世界”,可算大极了:这里的“三千大千世界”是佛教用语,即大千世界,可译成one Buddha-world或the boundless universe。译文为:The Buddhist notion of“one Buddha-world’is extremely enormous.
-  书的境地呢,  “现在界”还加上“过去界”,也带上“未来界”,实在是包罗万象,贯穿三界。而我们却可以足不出户,在这里随意阅历,随时拜师求教:此处的“包罗万象,贯穿三界”两个四字格词语在翻译时可以通过整合重组使之凝练成一个短语,从而使句子更为简练,符合目的语英语的表达习惯;另外,原文中的这两句话在翻译时可以合并成一个定语从句,使译文更为精炼。译文为:It consists of“the present realm”,“the past realm”and“the future realm”,encompassing everything in each of the three great realms.
-  经常在书里“串门儿”:这里的“串门儿”运用了比喻的修辞手法,其内在含义即博览群书。因此,可译为“visit the world of books frequently”。
-  至少可以脱去几分愚昧,多长几个心眼儿吧:这句话中的“多长几个心眼”指的是通过读书可以增长一定的见识,开阔自己的视野。同时,原文这句话是反问句,但在翻译时,应译为更符合英文表达的陈述句。故译为“can at least rid themselves of some ignorance and gain a certain degree of wisdom”。