
游客2024-11-05  10

问题 为什么要保护物种和语种?首先在于权利。每一物种都有在地球上生存的权利,每一个小民族都有使用祖先传递给他们的语言的权利,那几乎是他们最重要的特征。其次,这种保护对其他物种,对其他人,对全人类都有好处。文化储藏和积淀在语言中。人类文化的多样性储藏在其多样的语种中。一个强健的生态系必然是多样的,反过来这种多样性又可以帮助它适应和安度环境的变迁。正如同一个愚钝的村妇宁愿牺牲一点便利,也会拒绝将她的全部鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。


答案     Every species is entitled to earthly existence, so is every minority to their own language, an earmark above all   passed   from   their   ancestors.    Secondly,    such protection of species and languages is favorable to all species including human beings. Cultures are embodied and accumulated in languages, while cultural diversities are stored in linguistic diversities. A sound ecosystem is predicated on diversity, which, on the other hand, facilitates its adaption to the changing environment. It is in very much the same way as a maladroit countrywoman, though a little inconvenient for her, would refuse to put all her eggs in one single basket.

解析 1.画线部分第一句包含两层语义,翻译时应当注意英语句式的衔接,第一层语义在第一个逗号前,“有……的权利”可译为is entitled to…,翻译第二层语义时可以省略entitled,使用so is…句式,以避免重复。
3.画线部分第三句和第四句语义衔接较为紧密,因此翻译时可以译为一句话,用while或as连接。“储藏和积淀在”可译为are embodied and accumulated in。
4.画线部分倒数第二句中,“强健的生态系”指的是“合理而健全的生态系统”,因此可译为sound ecosystem。“帮助它适应和安度环境的变迁”在这里指“使其自身更容易适应变化的环境”,因此可译为facilitates its adaption to the changing environment。
5.画线部分最后一句与上一句语义衔接较为紧密,因此翻译时应适当增加衔接词,使其更加符合英语表达。此句中“愚钝的”的意思是“处事笨拙,不够灵活”,翻译时应注意选词,可译为maladroit 或inept。