
游客2024-11-05  15

问题 无声即沉默。沉默有各种各样。腹中空泛,思想一片苍白,故无言可发,这是沉默。热情已如柴薪尽燃,故而冷漠处世,无喜无悲,无忧无愤,对人世的一切都失去兴趣和欲望,这也是沉默。有过爱,有过恨,有过迷茫,有过颖悟,有过一呼百应的呐喊,有过得不到回报的呼唤,然而却守口如瓶,只是平静地冷眼看世界,这是沉默。饱经忧患,阅尽人生百态,胸有千山万壑的屐痕,有江河湖海的涛声,然而却深思不语,这也是沉默。一把价值连城的意大利小提琴,和一只被随手削出的芦笛,不去触动它们,便都是沉默,但沉默的内涵却并不一样,即便永远不再有人去触动它们,你依然可以想象听见它们可能发出的决然不同的鸣响。一块莹洁无瑕的美玉,和一块粗糙的土砖,放在那里也都是沉默。然而谁能把它们所代表的内容划一个等号呢?


答案     Speechlessness is caused by an empty head or a blank mind—that is silence. Enthusiasm fades like dying embers,thus leading to cynicism and indifference to life, which arouses neither happiness nor sadness, neither worries nor anger, without any interest in and desire for anything— that is silence. Despite all the experiences of love and hate, of disorientation and reorientation, of order-giving that was answered by hundreds and calling that was not answered by a single soul, he keeps his mouth shut, but only watches the world calmly—that is also silence. With suffering and hardship, readings of all kinds of human conditions, footprints left in mountains and valleys and sounds of rivers and oceans cherished in the heart,he is deep in thought—that is still silence.

解析 1.要求翻译的四句都是由短句组成的长句,若采用直译法,既显得冗长哕唆,又表达不清,故可先确定原句的中心意思,然后采用句式转换法进行转译,原文中的“这是沉默”可直译并用破折号与前文隔开,这样句子结构显得比较严密。画线部分第一句表达的中心意思是“无言可发是沉默”,可以把原文中前两个分句的主谓结构转换成英语中的名词短语。词语选择上,“腹中”对应的英文应该是head或mind。
4.画线部分第四句表达的重点是“深思不语也是沉默”。“饱经忧患”根据意思可译为With suffering and hardship。“千山万壑”可以用复数的形式表示数量之多,译为mountains and valleys。