[originaltext]W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and

游客2024-04-20  2

W: Mike and I are having a party next week. We wonder if you and Susan would be free to join us.
M: Sounds great. But I’d better talk to Susan before we say yes.
Q: What does the man imply?
W: Ashley, can you pick me up after the rehearsal to-night? I have to work late and will probably miss the last bus. I really need your help.
M: I’d love to. But I’ve scheduled an appointment with my supervisor about the outline of my dissertation. It’ll be a long talk.
Q: What is the man going to do?

选项 A、Write an outline.
B、Have a rehearsal.
C、Meet his supervisor.
D、Work at his office.

答案 C

解析 女士询问男士晚上能否接她,男士回答说I’ve scheduled an appointment with my supervisor.由此可知,男士要去见他的导师,故答案为C)。