
游客2024-03-12  35

问题    每个人从呱呱坠地起,便有了自己的姓名,然后带着它进入各种社会活动,使之起到代表自我的作用。中国是世界上最早使用姓氏的国家。中国人的姓名文化,是中华民族物质生活和精神生活的重要组成部分。它在政治、文化及社会活动等诸领域中,都发挥着极其重要的作用。中国人的名字既是家族血脉传承的符号,也是社会发展和时代变迁的记录仪,带有鲜明的时代烙印,因此从一个人的名字中便可以大致推断出他的年龄。


答案     Everyone has gained a name since he or she comes to the world, and then bears it in various social activities, making it represent oneself. China is the first country in the world to use surnames. The Chinese name culture is an important part of the material and spiritual life of the Chinese nation. It plays an extremely vital role in a variety of fields including politics, culture and social activities. The name of the Chinese is not only the symbol of the bloodline of the family, but also the recorder of social development and the changes of the times. With a distinctive mark of the time, the age of a person can be roughly inferred from his or her name.
