
游客2024-03-13  34

问题    中国共有8大菜系(cuisine),包括辛辣的(pungent)川菜和清淡的(light)粤菜。中国餐馆在世界各地很受欢迎。然而,中国人的生活方式日益变化,无论是自己下厨还是上餐馆,都出现了全新的饮食习惯。在一些传统的中国菜中,添加了奶酪和番茄酱(cheese and tomato sauce)。城市消费者频繁地光顾一些快餐连锁店,比如麦当劳、肯德基。收入的不断增长,对国际食品更多的了解,加上超市购物的便捷,使中国出现了更乐于尝试包装及罐装食品(packaged and canned food)的新一代消费者。


答案    China has 8 major cuisines, including Sichuan cuisine famous for pungency and Cantonese cuisine for lightness. Chinese restaurants enjoy great popularity all over the world. With the ever-changing of the Chinese lifestyle, however, people are experiencing a new diet style either when cooking at home or eating at restaurants. For instance, the cheese and tomato sauce are added to the traditional Chinese food, and urban consumers now frequently go to fast food chains, such as McDonald’s and KFC. The steady growth of people’s income, more knowledge about international food and the convenience of supermarket shopping bring to the emergence of a new generation of consumers who are more likely to buy packaged and canned food.
