中国在鸦片战争(Opium War)中战败,暴露了她在军事上的落后(backwardness)和政治上的软弱。西方列强发现迫使中国接受不平等条件是轻而易举

游客2024-03-13  32

问题    中国在鸦片战争(Opium War)中战败,暴露了她在军事上的落后(backwardness)和政治上的软弱。西方列强发现迫使中国接受不平等条件是轻而易举的。因而,在战后,英国和其他西方国家,包括法国、德国、俄国和美国,还有东方的日本,或单独或联合对中国发动侵略战争,以不同的方式欺凌中国。十九世纪后半叶的中国历史就充满了这样的屈辱。由此,中国从一个封建国家开始逐渐沦陷为一个半封建半殖民地的(semi-colonial and semi-feudal)国家。


答案    China’s defeat in the Opium War exposed her military backwardness and political weakness. Western powers found that it was easy to force her to accept unequal conditions. So after the war, British and other Western countries, including France, Germany, Russia, the United States, and Japan in the east, separately or jointly started aggressive wars on China, or bullied China in different ways. Chinese history in the second half of the nineteenth century was full of such humiliating events. They marked the turn of China from a feudal country into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country.
