中国人建造园林有两千多年的历史,主要有皇家园林(imperial garden)、寺院园林和私家园林。现存的皇家园林如北京颐和园,就是举世闻名的园林。中

游客2024-03-12  34

问题     中国人建造园林有两千多年的历史,主要有皇家园林(imperial garden)、寺院园林和私家园林。现存的皇家园林如北京颐和园,就是举世闻名的园林。中国的佛教和道教寺院也多建有园林,如杭州灵隐寺。在这中间,私家园林独具风味。今天在江南(South of the Yangtze River)和长江沿岸的苏州、扬州等地所见的园林,多是明清两代留下的,它们如同一幅幅山水画(the landscapepainting),展现其独特的魅力。中国园林艺术有丰富独特的创造,是理解中华民族美感特点的一个重要领域。


答案     Chinese people started to build gardens more than 2 000 years ago, mainly including three styles of garden: the imperial garden, the temple garden and the private garden. The imperial garden extant today like the Summer Palace in Beijing is one of the world-famous gardens. Many gardens were also built in China’s Buddhist and Taoist temples, such as the Lingyin Temple in Hangzhou. While among the Chinese gardens, the private gardens have a unique ambience. Scattered in South of the Yangtze River and Suzhou, Yangzhou and other places along the Yangtze River, the private gardens are mostly legacies from the Ming and Qing dynasties. They resemble the landscape paintings with distinct charm. Rich and unique creativity could be found in Chinese gardens, which is an important field to understand Chinese aesthetics.
