位居四大佛教名山之首的山西五台山曾是文殊菩萨(Manjusri Bodhisattva)的道场,是世界五大佛教圣地(sanctuary)之一。自从东汉明帝在

游客2024-03-11  10

问题   位居四大佛教名山之首的山西五台山曾是文殊菩萨(Manjusri Bodhisattva)的道场,是世界五大佛教圣地(sanctuary)之一。自从东汉明帝在五台山建寺,经历代修建,五台山五峰内外佛寺最多时达360所,僧尼(monk and nun)达万人之众。五台山融汇了佛教、民间宗教、儒家、道家文化的精髓(essence),形成了诸宗竞秀、多庙共存的模式,被誉为“中国佛教的缩影(epitome)”。五台山于2009年被列入联合国教科文组织(UNESCO)世界遗产名录。


答案   Believed to be the way-place of Manjusri Bodhisattva, Mount Wutai in Shanxi Province ranks first among the four famous Buddhist mountains and is recognized as one of the world’s five most important Buddhist sanctuaries. The Buddhist temples in Mount Wutai were originally built under the auspices of Emperor Ming of the Eastern Han Dynasty and rebuilt repeatedly in the following dynasties. Actually, for a time there were as many as 360 Buddhist temples around the five peaks of Mount Wutai, housing a total of ten thousand monks and nuns. Mount Wutai features the essence from culture of Buddhism, folk religions, Confucianism, and Taoism and the harmonious coexistence of different Buddhist schools and temples takes shape. Therefore, Mount Wutai is praised as "the epitome of Chinese Buddhism". Mount Wutai was inscribed in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in 2009.
