
游客2024-03-11  24

问题   由于各个国家习俗和文化的不同而产生了不同类型的佛教,但佛法的本质是不变的。佛教的道德规则是戒律(precept),其中主要的五戒是不杀生、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语和不饮酒。佛教也是一种信仰,它对其他的信仰或宗教很宽容。佛教徒也从不强求别人改变信仰,只是在别人需要时尽力开导,这就是历史上从来没有任何战争是以佛教的名义发起的原因。


答案   There are different types of Buddhism, because customs and cultures vary from country to country, but what does not change is the essence of the Buddhist doctrine. The moral code of Buddhism is the precepts, of which the main five ones are commitments to abstaining from killing living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and drinking. Buddhism is also a belief which is tolerant of other beliefs or religions. Buddhists never insist on converting others’ beliefs to Buddhism, but are ready to help others to see what is right or sensible when it is needed. That is why there has never been any war in history fought in the name of Buddhism.
