
游客2024-03-11  39

问题   说到中国文化,不得不提到长城。从公元前7世纪到公元16世纪,在大约2200年的时间里,先后有19个朝代修建过长城,所修的长城长达10万千米以上。主要的长城修建工程是在秦代、汉代和明代完成的。现今存有遗迹的主要是明长城,从东边入海口的山海关(Shanhai Pass)开始,一直到沙漠深处的嘉峪关(Jiayu Pass),全长6700千米。长城是世界历史上最伟大的工程之一,其建造时间之长、参与人数之多、工程难度之大,在世界上无出其右。


答案   When it comes to Chinese culture, the Great Wall is the one that will be definitely referred to. Through about 2 200 years from the 7th century BC to the 16th century AD, the Great Wall was built in 19 dynasties and reached a total length of more than 100 000 kilometers. The major construction was carried out in the Qin, Han and Ming Dynasties. The Great Wall we visit nowadays is mainly the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty, stretching 6700 kilometers from Shanhai Pass at the eastern river mouth to Jiayu Pass in the depths of desert. The Great Wall is one of the greatest projects in the history of the world for its unparalleled span of construction, amount of labor and difficulty.

解析       1.第一句中“说到”可以用When it comes to来表示;“不得不提到”也就是“肯定会提到”,故可详为will be definitely referred to。
      3.第四句中,“现今存有遗迹的主要是明长城”的完整表达应该是“现今存有遗迹的长城主要是明长城”,因此翻译时应把“长城”增译出来。另外,“现今存有遗迹的”可以直译为the remaining Great Wall,也可以意译为the Great Wall we visit nowadays,因为我们现在游览的就是明长城的遗迹。