
游客2024-03-11  12

问题   昆曲起源于元朝时的昆山,盛行于苏州。苏州人对昆曲的迷恋到了如痴如醉的地步。在明清时期的200多年间,每逢中秋节,苏州都要举行“虎丘曲会”。苏州人几乎全城出动,同唱昆曲。昆曲的音乐典雅华丽,唱词具有极高的文学性,表演程式繁复细致,最适合在私家园林表演。当时,苏州的大富之家都养着自己的戏班,在私家园林里建戏台。昆曲的传世名作,如《牡丹亭》《西厢记》和《长生殿》等,都把主要情节安排在园林里展开。一位美国学者这样赞叹昆曲:“在最美的舞台上进行着最美的表演。”


答案   Kun Opera originated in Kunshan during the Yuan Dynasty and flourished in Suzhou where people went absolutely crazy over it. In more than two hundred years of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the city held annual opera concerts at Tiger Hill on the Mid-Autumn Festival. Almost everyone in the city came to join in the singing. The music of Kun Opera is beautifully refined and the lyrics are highly literary in nature. The performance is of a complicated and intricate style. Hence, Kun Opera is best suited to being performed in the private gardens. At that time, the extremely wealthy families in Suzhou patronized their own opera troupes and used their private gardens to stage the performances. The most famous works of Kun Opera include The Peony Pavilion, The Romance of the Western Chamber, The Changsheng Palace and so on, whose main plots were set in the gardens. An American scholar once commented that "Kun Opera is the most beautiful performance which takes place on the most beautiful stage."
