The occupation army had to ______ to the local government.A、take overB、hand ove

游客2024-02-22  5

问题 The occupation army had to ______ to the local government.

选项 A、take over
B、hand over
C、think over
D、get over

答案 B

解析 本题考核动词短语辨析使用。选项:take over意为“接收,接管”,如:The young man took over his father’s practice.这个年轻人接过父亲的业务。hand over意为“移交,交付”;think over意为“仔细考虑,反复考虑”,如:Think it over before you leap。遇事三思而后行。get over意为“克服,从(疾病或痛苦中)恢复过来”,如: Have you get over your cold yet?你的感冒好了吗?根据句意