中国的大学生活在很多方面很有特色,如几乎所有高等院校都会为学生提供校内食宿(boardand lodging)。一个学生只要在大学里注册之后,就将会和其

游客2024-02-04  11

问题     中国的大学生活在很多方面很有特色,如几乎所有高等院校都会为学生提供校内食宿(boardand lodging)。一个学生只要在大学里注册之后,就将会和其他几位同学合住一个宿舍,并在校内餐厅吃饭。这样的生活环境,尤其是比较拥挤的宿舍和餐厅,让学生间的关系很亲密,也使得各种学生组织逐渐发展起来。现在的大学生很自由,在校内外都会参加各种各样的活动。


答案     There are some noticeable aspects of campus life in China’s universities. For example, almost all institutions of higher education provide board and lodging for students on campus. Once enrolled in a university, a student will live in a dormitory shared with several other students, and eat in the dining halls on campus. The closeness of students as a result of their living environment—especially crowded dormitories and dining halls—has become the cause of the flourishing of student organizations of all sorts. Nowadays, university students enjoy great freedom and diversity of activities both within and outside their campuses.

解析 1.第一句中,“中国的大学生活”可以译为campus life in China’s universities。“很有特色”可以译为noticeable,也可以译为distinctive,characteristic等。
2.第二句中,“校内”可以译为on campus。“只要在大学里注册之后”可用过去分词短语表示,译为Once enrolled in a university。“和其他几位同学合住”可用过去分词短语表示,译为sharedwith several other students。
3.翻译第三句时,要弄清楚各个小短句之间的逻辑:关系,“学生间的关系很亲密”是“各种学生组织逐渐发展起来”的原因,而这种亲密关系又是由学生的“生活环境,尤其是比较拥挤的宿舍和餐厅”造成的。因此,在翻译时,主语为“学生间的关系很亲密”,译为The closeness of students,谓语是“使得……”,译为has become the cause of…,宾语是“各种学生组织逐渐发展起来”,译为the flourishing of student organization of all sorts。“这样的生活环境”由as a result of短语来引出,译为as a result of their living environment,“尤其是比较拥挤的宿舍和餐厅”用破折号与前后的内容隔开,起补充说明的作用,译为especially crowded dormitories and dining halls。
4.在翻译最后一句时,可以用动词enjoy统领两个分句,译为university students enjoy greatfreedom and diversity of activities...。