
游客2024-01-24  22

问题     皮影戏是让观众通过白色布幕,观看一种平面偶人表演的灯影来达到艺术效果的戏剧形式。皮影戏中的平面偶人以及道具通常是民间艺人制成的皮制品,故称之为皮影。皮影戏是我国出现最早的戏曲剧种之一。它的演出装备轻便,唱腔丰富优美,表演精彩动人。千百年来,深受广大民众的喜爱,所以流传甚广。不仅如此,皮影戏还对国内外文化艺术的发展起到一定的作用。有不少新的地方戏曲剧种就是从各路皮影戏唱腔中派生出来的。中国皮影戏所用的幕影演出原理对当代电影的发明和发展也都起过先导作用。西方世界从18世纪的歌德到后来的卓别林等世界文化名人,对中国皮影戏艺术都曾给予过高度评价。中国皮影艺术是我国民间工艺美术与戏曲巧妙结合而成的独特艺术品种,是中华民族艺术殿堂里不可或缺的一颗璀璨的明珠。


答案     Shadow play is a form of drama in which the shadow of the puppets is cast onto a white screen made of cloth so that the audience can get visual pleasure. Shadow play gets its name from the fact that the puppets and the instruments are made of animal skin by folk artists. As one of the earliest dramas in China, shadow play needs little equipment whereas it produces splendid performance and pleasant music. It is not only popular among ordinary people for thousands of years, but also contributes to the development of arts both at home and abroad. Many new local dramas are derived from all kinds of shadow plays. Besides, its use of screen and shadow gives inspiration to the birth and development of contemporary movies. A large number of cultural celebrities in the Western world, from Goethe in the 18th century to Chaplin later, have praised Chinese shadow play highly before. The Chinese shadow play is a unique genre of art as a combination of the folk fine art and drama. It is an indispensable and delicate pearl in the palace of art of the Chinese nation.
