Why Go to College at All? Is college worth it? Recently some powerful ar

游客2024-01-02  36

问题     Why Go to College at All?
    Is college worth it? Recently some powerful arguments have been leveled against the value of a college degree. For example, Dale J. Stephens, 20, the founder of UnCollege, which urges students to find their own pathways to success. Mr. Stephens spent his middle and high school years "unschooling" , and then left college after a brief time there.
    Mr. Stephens envisions "a world where people make their own decisions" , where college is not a foregone conclusion and young people forge their own paths to fulfillment.
    We asked Mr. Stephens for his responses to the arguments most often given for going to college. Here’s what he had to say.
    Reason 1: Learning in a rigorous, supported educational environment
    " If you want to learn, college is the last place you should go," Mr. Stephens said. " A lot of learning isn’t happening on college campuses. "
    That may sound surprising, given that college is virtually defined as an institution devoted to nourishing learning and intellectualism.
    Not true, Mr. Stephens said. "What you learn in college is generally the same skill set that you learn in a traditional school environment," he said. " You learn how to follow directions, meet deadlines and memorize facts. "
    Although college provides structure and resources for learning, "I don’t know that structure is a good thing," he said. "When you go out into the world, there’s no structure like that. A job doesn’t give you a syllabus. " And he criticized the education system — and standardized testing in particular — for being " efficient but not effective. " His ideal is self-directed education on the principles of project-based learning, perhaps with the guidance of professors.
    Reason 2: Socializing and developing a network of friends and contacts
    Mr. Stephens said that many have advised him that he’s missing out by not going to college, where, the rationale goes, he could be meeting women and drinking beer. His retort: " I like guys and Champagne. "
    Underlying this frank answer is his conviction that the social world of college is a self-selecting, largely homogenous "bubble".
    " You might end up limiting yourself if you only socialize with people on your dorm floor and in your classes," he said. Campus population might be diverse, he said, but " people are still there for the same reason. " In contrast, he said, unschooling has allowed him to actively seek opportunities to meet people who travel different walks in life.
    As for the value of making connections in college to nurture a professional network, people are increasingly using social media resources like Linkedln3, Twitter and Facebook to make connections, Mr. Stephens said.
    Reason 3: Self-discovery
    Many college graduates believe that they discovered themselves in their years on campus. But Mr. Stephens said the typical student’s lack of real responsibility, coupled with an emphasis on rote memorization and test taking, hampers true personal growth.     Learners are better off spending early adulthood developing self-reliance, he said. Self-discovery might best be achieved doing something constructive, he argued, like creating a start-up.
    The idea of taking a gap year off from school to explore the world and find yourself angered him. "Why does it have to be a year off? Why can’t it be a year on? Why should you have to take time out of the system to engage?" he asked.


答案     为什么非得上大学?
    尽管大学能为学生提供学习的框架和资源,斯蒂芬斯表示: “我不认为这种框架是好的。当你真的踏进社会,根本不存在这种框架。工作不会给你一份纲要。”他批评教育体制,尤其是标准化测试体系,效率虽高,但效果却不好。在他的理想中,学习应该是以自我指导为中心、基于一个个项目为形式的过程,教授或许可以从旁指点一二。
