
游客2023-12-28  28

问题     ①人类在漫长发展进程中创造了丰富多彩的世界文明,中华文明是世界文明多样性、多元化的重要组成部分。②中医药作为中华文明的杰出代表,是中国各族人民在几千年生产生活实践和与疾病作斗争中逐步形成并不断丰富发展的医学科学,不仅为中华民族繁衍昌盛作出了卓越贡献,也对世界文明进步产生了积极影响。


答案     ①Humanity has created a rich and varied global civilization in the long course of its development, and the civilization of China is an important component of its great diversity. ②As a representative feature of Chinese civilization, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a medical science that was formed and developed in the daily life of the people and in the process of their fight against diseases over thousands of years. It has made a great contribution to the nation’s procreation and the country’s prosperity, in addition to producing a positive impact on the progress of human civilization.
    ③Originated in the Chinese culture, TCM explains health and diseases from a macro, systemic and holistic perspective, which shows how the Chinese people perceives nature. As a unique form of medicine, TCM exercises a profound influence on the life of the Chinese people. It is a major means to help the Chinese people cure diseases, maintain health, and live a long life. ④Seen from history, it is TCM who takes the credit that the Chinese nation has survived countless natural disasters, wars and pestilences, and continues to prosper.

解析     1.①句“丰富多彩的”译为rich and varied,若直译为colorful则会让读者难以理解。
    4.②句“是……的医学科学”中“医学科学”的定语较长,不宜按照原文的语序进行翻译,可将该前置定语处理为定语从句,译为traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a medical science that…,使译文更符合英文的惯用表达。
    6.③句“中医药作为中华民族原创的医学科学”为条件状语,不应单独成句,可将其处理为分词作状语,并前置,译为Originated in the Chinese culture, TCM explains…。
    7.③句“治病祛疾、强身健体、延年益寿”四字词语多采用意思重复的手法,比如治病与祛疾、强身和健体、延年和益寿意思相同。在翻译时保留其一即可,故译为cure diseases,maintain health,and live a long life。