8月17日的下午,约克逊号邮船无数的窗眼里,飞出五色飘扬的纸带,远远的抛到岸上,任凭送别的人牵住的时候,我的心是如何的飞扬而凄恻! 痴绝的无数的送

游客2023-12-18  28

问题     8月17日的下午,约克逊号邮船无数的窗眼里,飞出五色飘扬的纸带,远远的抛到岸上,任凭送别的人牵住的时候,我的心是如何的飞扬而凄恻!


答案    Those sentimental individuals, standing in large numbers on the increasingly distant shore, could only hold on to the paper streamers until they would eventually break, reluctantly letting the iron mammoth sail westward, loaded down as it was with the heavy grief of parting!
   Daily life on the ship was refreshing and active. Outside of the three meals, all my time was spent playing games and taking walks on the decks as I pleased. For the first three days, I seemed to have totally reverted to my childhood. I tossed rings and small beanbags, never tiring of playing these games. Then three days later, I cut all connection with such pastimes. As I recalled it all later, I fell very strange though there was nothing more to it than this: The sea had unmoored my childhood memories, and midst the sound of the surging waves, a sense of childlike innocence and my young playmates flooded my mind.
