
游客2023-12-17  29

问题    湛蓝的天空,滚滚白云星罗棋布,我们的飞机从这里飞出,在世界上最壮观的一些山脉上空开始下降。我兴奋不已,因为我终于要踏上这块世界上最与世隔绝、保存完整、无人知晓的土地——不丹王国(Bhutan)。不丹三面是巍峨的喜马拉雅山脉,南面是亚热带丛林,仗着天然屏障,从未被任何外界武力攻占过。这个面积为18,000平方英里的王国位于印度和中国之间广阔的喜马拉雅山脉的中央,被称为神秘之国。


答案    Out of the startling blue sky dotted with billowing white clouds, our plane descended over some of the most spectacular mountains on the earth. Excitement thrilled me for at last I was about to visit the Dragon Kingdom of Bhutan, which remains the most isolated, well-preserved and unknown country in the world. Guarded on three sides by the majestic Himalayas and on the south by thick sub-tropical jungle, Bhutan has never been conquered by any outside forces. The Dragon Kingdom of 18,000 sq, miles lies in the heart of the vast Himalayas situated between India and China.
