
游客2023-12-10  16

问题    第一回进山东,春正发生,出潼关沿着黄河古道走,同车里坐着几个和尚——和尚使我们与古代亲近——恍惚里,春秋战国的风云依然演义,我这是去了鲁国之境了。鲁国的土地果然肥沃,人物果然礼仪,狼虎的秦人能被接纳吗?深沉的胡琴从那一簇蓝瓦黄墙的村庄里传来,音韵绵长,和那一条并不知名的河,在暮色苍茫里蜿蜒而来又蜿蜒而去,弥漫着,如麦田上浓得化也化不开的雾气,我听见了在泅水岸上,有了“逝者如斯夫”的声音,从孔子一直说到现在。


答案    I visited Shandong Province for the first time in an early spring.After getting out of the Tongguan Pass,I rode down the ancient path along the Yellow River with Several monks, who may often bring us closer to ancient times. In a trance, I felt as though I was witnessing the sweeping changes in the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, and that I was on my way to the State of Lu.. Will a man from the State of Qin, believed to be ferocious and cruel like wolves and tigers, be welcomed in the land of Lu where people are so cultivated and ritual-abiding? The deep notes of the huqin musical instrument travelled out of the village of blue-tiled and yellow-walled houses. The music, together with that river whose name was oblivious to me, lingered and lengthened, zigzagging and permeating the deepening dusk just like the dense fog over the wheat fields. I heard the voice of Confucius on the bank of the Sishui River saying, "Thus do things flow away," a saying often quoted, even today.
