一个人有无智慧,往往体现在做事的方法上。借用别人的智慧助己成功,也是一条成功之道。 《三国演义》中的刘备,文才不如诸葛亮,武功不如关羽和张飞,但他有

游客2023-12-11  40

问题    一个人有无智慧,往往体现在做事的方法上。借用别人的智慧助己成功,也是一条成功之道。


答案    Whether a man is wise or not is often reflected by the way he deals with problems. It is no doubt a good way to success is to use others’ wisdoms to achieve one’s own success.
   Liu Bei, a figure in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, was no comparison to Zhuge Liang in wisdom, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei in martial arts, but he had with him very strong coordinating abilities which made him distinctive from others and helped attract those talents to his sides. From this we can see that discovering others’talent and using it to one’s own purpose probably means that one has found the power to success.
