美国的传统节日,有不少是我这个东方人从未经历过,甚至闻所未闻的。 刚到美国,我去一所成人学校读英语。一脚腾进教室,就见一位碧眼女郎飞步迎来,献上一张

游客2023-11-25  27

问题    美国的传统节日,有不少是我这个东方人从未经历过,甚至闻所未闻的。


答案    Upon the arrival in the United States, I go to an adult school to learn English. The moment I stride into the classroom, I see a blue-eyed girl flying the step to welcome and present a heart-shaped card, impressively above reads: "I like you!" I cannot help getting stunned. Even in the case of "love at first sight", there is also no thus amazingly fast-growing love! However, there is another blond girl arriving in close succession and handing a heart-shaped card, above which is also written: "I like you!" What a great fortune in love affairs! Accept any offer or decline? Just as I am considering, my savior turns up fortunately. Ms. Chen, my English teacher from Taiwan, arrives gracefully, laughs and says in a clear voice, "Receive and ignore who sends you, just receive. Today is Valentine’s Day. The Americans present a heart-shaped card to each other to show friendship. " Oh! I smile with a sigh of relief.

解析    材料相对比较口语化,短句较多,而且为了增强表达效果,还用了一些较为夸张的词语,例如“赫然”“愕然”等,所以翻译时可灵活处理,根据英文的表达习惯,选择较为贴切的用语。
2.画线部分第二句中,“一脚跨进”“飞步迎来”和“赫然”都是很有表现张力的词,可相应地翻译成the moment I stride into,flying the step to welcome以及impressively;“愕然”此处可译为getting stunned。
3.“真是艳福非浅”可翻译为What a great fortune in love affairs!
4.“幸得”可译为fortunately;“朗声笑道”表现的是陈女士看到作者疑惑的狼狈后善意的笑声,并适时为作者解围,故可译为laughs and says in a clear voice。
5.“我如释重负地笑了”可翻译为I smile with a sigh of relief。